07 October 2008

A Night Out

Mike and I were able to sneak away for a bit last night (thanks to my awesome friend, Reika, who came to babysit the boys!). We threw a little surprise birthday get together for our friend Erica at The Pub.

It was so nice to get away for a while by ourselves and have some fun times with our friends....its been a LONG while since we've done that kind of stuff. It would be nice to say that we will try to do more of that kind of stuff but with 2 little boys, a 7am wake-up call to get Canaan to school, and all the other things going on in life, it probably won't happen as often as we'd like.
Nonetheless it was a blast and much needed.
Today I hope to get some more cleaning and organizing done around the house (does it ever end?) and spend some time with Ezra reading and playing. Tonight I am meeting one of my college girls for coffee and Mike and I will settle in on the couch for the debate.
Enjoy the day!