I do have to say the delay in repairing the wall gave me a great idea the other night. Since there is already a hole there with a repair to be made, why not make a little built in bookshelf for my cookbooks??? Mike liked the idea so I guess that will delay our progress in finishing even more--but I think it will be a good storage solution and a nice touch.
(ignore the backsplash currently under construction :)
Did you know white vinegar has a ton of cleaning properties? Look here for 1001 ideas. http://www.vinegartips.com
I love any cleaning products that are safe for the kids and are inexpensive. I have started keeping a squirt bottle of half vinegar, half water on the sink. Vinegar, although it smells odd at first actually is a natural air cleaner when it evaporates...
One way I love to bring the smell of fall and yumminess into the house is by simmering a pot of water with cinnamon in it. I sometimes add orange peel, cloves or nutmeg. I turn it on low for a couple of hours and it gives the house a nice autumn smell...
The woodburning stove has been keeping us warm on these 30 degree mornings. We are all loving having our very own wood burning heat source. Its so thrilling to own a home after 10 years of renting. We appreciate everything we have been given so much!
Today I am going to look at some paint at Home Depot~ for the hundreth time! How many varying colors of one color can there be? Ezra and I will go to the gym and then off to the fabric store to get some supplies for the Christmas gifts being sewn.
See you tomorrow...