I love letter writing. I have always loved sitting down with my little red address book and looking through (praying through) names and taking time to write notes of encouragement and love to those in my life. I wish I had more time~ or really I guess I wish I took more time to do this. Sending an email just isn't the same, especially since many older people don't have or rarely use email.
I believe it is so important to continually check in on and encourage those people in our lives that are "up in years" as well as people that have invested in us throughout our lives. Grandma, grandpa, aunt, uncle, mentor, friend, mother, father, husband, wife, child....each person is so unique and valuable to us.
So last night I sat down with a tall glass of ice water and my stationary box and was able to write a few cards before bed.
We went to sleep with the smell of apples cooking in the slow cooker. I am making apple butter which is a tedious process in a slow cooker (10-15 hours!) but well worth it. A sweet lady at church gave me a bag full of apples from her apple tree. I saved a few to make an apple stack cake and an apple tart this weekend.
I have lots of pictures to share from the house eventually. I painted and spiffed up the front porch (boy, did it need it!) and turned our little guest bathroom into an art gallery of black and white pictures from Mongolia. I am in a continual process of challenging myself to use things we already have to decorate and add character to our home. The bathroom project took no money to do and looks a million times better! I gave myself a $20 for the porch and it is a complete transformation. Resourcefulness--I love it!