As for the house....
Mike's mom and her boyfriend Roscoe came in town to help us with our first major home project since we bought it back in March. The washer and dryer have been in the kitchen up until now and this weekend Mike and Roscoe re-wired and re-plumbed under the house to make it possible to move the washer and dryer into our master bathroom. It took all day on Saturday and an hour or so on Sunday but it is done! and they work! and it is sooooo great having the washer/dryer out of the kitchen!
As they were doing that, I was slowly moving my craft/sewing/painting stuff from our garage to the guest bedroom upstairs. The room is now going to be part studio - part guest room. We hope to convert the detatched garage into a studio someday but for right now there are just a few too many spiders for my taste out there.
And in between all of that Joe Anne and I were starting to paint the forest of trees on the boys ceiling. We are going for a slight "camping" theme in their room. I am trying to keep it simple and not too "themed". The trees will be painted and we'll add the glow in the dark stars and planets to give it a sleeping-under-the-night-sky feel. I'll take more pics when it's done.
So here we are. Monday morning. We are sore and tired and wanting to go back to bed. But we are also elated that we have been able to purchase a home of our own that we can do these fun and exhausting projects on. The boys finally get to have a room of their own that we can paint and make fun for them. We never want to take for granted what God has given to us and to ultimately use our home for His glory through having college students in and out throughout the week, hosting young couples that we disciple, or just break bread with close friends and family that we love and appreciate so much.
Happy Monday to everyone!