Oh boy! What a tough day it has been already and I have only been up for about 45 minutes. Ezra and I just sat on the driveway watching Canaan and Dadddy walk to his first day of kindergarten.
It is incredibly emotional on so many levels. I am excited for him because he is so excited. I am nervous that he will encounter unfriendly kids or learn bad habits or bad things that we have tried so hard to prevent in these first 5 years. I am extremely sad to see the end of this "era" in our family. I have had five fantastic years with Canaan each and every day playing, cooking, cleaning, shopping, creating, laughing, talking, learning, and growing together. Now he is growing up and heading off to school all day. Thats tough.
It goes back to the whole principle of teaching them and letting them strengthen their wings so they can leave the nest. Yes, this mostly applies to college students, I know, but of course my little guy just left the nest to venture into the big world albeit right around the corner.
I didn't realize parenting would be so heartwrenching so early on!
So now I will fight back my tears all day ( I had my major boo hoo time a couple of nights ago) and pray for Canaan (as I always do--but now even more) that he will have a great day and will meet wonderful new friends. I pray that he will take with him each day to school the life lessons Mike and I have so painstakenly and patiently tried to teach him so far.
Here comes Mike back up the driveway....I'll see you later.