01 August 2008

My fears were mostly allieviated today in regards to Canaan's school. I think I blogged before about my fears in sending him to full day Kindergarten. I am so sentimental about keeping things as they are and am so reluctant to let this next phase of life (school) begin. But for those of you who know Canaan, he is so incredibly bright and loves to learn that I knew he needed to go ahead and start school. Anyhow, he went to his Kindergarten testing day today. It is a way for the teachers to know how far along a student is and to not keep them back if they are ready to learn more.
We went today and when we got in the car afterwards he was BEAMING from ear to ear. He said taking that test was the most fun thing he has done in the whole world. He was literally smiling and chatting on and on for a good half hour about all the different tests they did about numbers and letters and patterns and how each time the teacher kept saying he was doing "SUPER!"
He is really excited about starting school soon and from the looks of things, he is going to love final exams! HA!