11 August 2008

Maple Syrup and Coffee...

This morning I woke up early and made my 3 boys french toast. Breakfast is usually low key around here - Cherrios, toast, and granola with fruit. But this morning called for the smell of french toast and maple syrup. It was our first cool and crisp morning in a few months. I am SO excited that fall is right around the corner! I had all the doors open to let the cool breeze in and the smell of coffee and breakfast was so comforting and cozy.
This weekend was super busy. We woke up Saturday morning and headed to a local park where our church was organzing an event to give out backpacks filled with supplies to kids who need them for school. We as a family had gone Thursday night to fill the backpacks and it was fun to be able to give them to children who needed them. We love to get the boys in on any volunteer opportunities available so they can always be appreciative of what they have and learn to give back.
Saturday afternoon we drove to Louisville to take 2 of my cakes to the Kentucky State Fair. They will be judged tonight so I'll keep you posted if I win anything!
Yesterday I spent the afternoon and evening at an auction. Its my usual auction house that has an auction every 2 weeks and I love to go and spend the day meeting new people, building relationships with ones I have already met, and looking for a good deal. For years now we have been wanting a TV cabinet. We found a make-shift one at an auction several years ago but it wasn't in good shape to begin with (we only paid $5) and even though we put some TLC into it we have wanted to upgrade. Yesterday I found a really cool "gentlemans armoire" with neat wood cut outs and a great small shape that we were wanting. I bought it for $55 but now that we have it home, Mike wants to sell it and make a profit. It weighs about 300 lb even though it is small. It is SOLID wood, inside and out and online they retail between $1200-$3000dollars. I'll keep you posted on that as well. Mike wants to sell-I want to keep :)