05 August 2008

Lily's Quilt

A few weeks back a friend of a friend emailed me from Chicago asking if I would make her soon-to-be-born baby girl a quilt. She had seen a quilt I had made my friend Carrie for her son, Elah's arrival into the world.
I was super excited to be asked and we decided to wait until her little one was born so we could make it more gender specific. She emailed when her little girl Lily was born and I immediately got to work. She had said she liked vintage fabrics and I had quite a stash of girly vintage fabric. The front has 100% linen and the back fabric is from a company out in California that I like to order from.
I didn't use a pattern - because I have no idea how to read or use a pattern - but I had in my mind the design I wanted and figured out the math of it all on paper before I started.
It was such a fun project and the momma and baby were happy with it. Onto the next project!