14 August 2008

Day 1 -- a success

(here is a picture of Canaan today as he was ready to leave for school. He was really excited to go so all of his pics were super silly. This one he is trying to do a little Elmer Fudd impersonation or something along those lines!)
Well after Canaan left yesterday I cried and boo hoo'd for a couple of hours. I went to the gym and after working out I felt better about it all. I called ahead to the office at church to tell our secretary to send out a memo telling all the guys (the pastors) NOT to ask me about Canaan yesterday unless they wanted me crying again :) They were kind enough not to and I made it through the rest of the day. Mike came home from work a bit early to go pick up Canaan with Ezra and I. It was so fun seeing him walk out of school with his cute backpack and a huge smile on his face. The first thing he said was " I got to do math!!!" He loves math and science and was SOOO excited he got to go to a math class. He also was so excited that I had put 2 marshmellows in his lunch box (marshmellows are his FAVORITE dessert). He had so much he wanted to tell me and kept getting frustrated because Ezra wanted his undivided attention from the moment he saw Canaan.
By 4pm yesterday he was already asking when it would be bed time :) I think the day wore him out. He was in bed by 7pm and up again at 7am ready to get dressed for school.
Today I feel much better about it all. I asked Canaan if he missed Ezra and I yesterday and he said he was too busy doing school work to think about us. Gotta love a childs honesty! :)
So now Ezra and I are sinking into a new routine together. It is nice having time just with him and at this age he needs alot of my attention. Staying tuned into his emotions, frustrations, fits, and such takes alot of time and is so important at this stage to really be consistant and work with him to move past this stage. We are having a blast together though and I am so thankful for both of my fantastic little guys...well all 3 actually if you include Mike :)