Oh how I love weekends. Weekdays are just a means to getting to the weekend. Not that my weekdays are bad at all but there is just something about a Saturday morning drive in the country or a Sunday afternoon nap on the couch that is simply wonderful!
This weekend was very refreshing and nice. Mike took both of the boys to a Cincinnati Reds game which meant I had the day to myself. I spent the morning at an auction (see my other blog here)
I got some shopping errands done and met some girlfriends for dinner that night. Mike and the boys had a blast at the game. It was Canaan's first baseball game and he absolutely loved it.
Today we were blessed, as we are each Sunday, to go to our amazing church and be surrounded by an amazing group of friends. It is so exciting to be in a community that thrives to reach out to those less fortunate and to come together and encourage each other.
Tonight it is slightly muggy and warm outside but in our oasis of a backyard it is magical to just sit on our porch, drink a glass of wine, and listen to the birds and crickets as the sun goes down.
Have a great week ahead!