This is a great Valentines craft and a neat idea if you need to make multiple Valentines for your childs class or for work.
This Valentine’s Day, encourage kids to show sweet sentiments with tokens of affection that go beyond the store-bought card. Most of the projects require only a bit of cutting and some gluing; all can be decorated to their heart’s desire. Crayons, rubber stamps, ribbons, and pretty pictures cut from magazines or taken from scrap-art catalogs are just a few of the items kids can put to use. In no time, they’ll have an array of adorable valentines whose messages come straight from the heart.
Heart-and-Lollipop Flowers
With just a little TLC, colorful hearts flourish as the petals of a new flower variety—one with a lollipop center and stem.
1. Use card stock to make a half-heart template about 3 inches high and 1 1/4 inches wide. Fold a 12-by-3 1/2-inch piece of construction paper in half vertically, and trace four half-hearts along the fold.
2. Cut out hearts; unfold.
3. Stack hearts; punch a hole 1/4 inch up from bottom. Position petals to form a flower, making sure holes line up. Secure by applying glue around holes; let dry. Write name on a petal. Insert lollipop.